Journaling at its core is a way to record your thoughts and feelings. It is in summary a method of improving your well-being, by allowing yourself a few minutes everyday to sit with and write out your thoughts.
Therapists have claimed that journaling reduces the effects of anxiety, depression and even the frustrations that come with the symptoms that come with the conditions of ADHD. Even if you don't suffer with these issues, journaling can just be a good way to figure out how you're feeling on a day to day basis, and follow patterns of thought throughout the weeks.
In this post, we would like to share with you some of the best tips and methods for successful and consistent journalling, Irish websites where you can buy your first journal and our own personal tips on the topic too
How to Journal?
This is a trick question, as journaling can be whatever you want it to be. There is no set amount of time to take or pages to write in order for your journaling to be successful, it's just whatever feels natural to you. Some people do it twice a day, everyday or even once a week. The fact you are journaling at all is significant enough and you should feel accomplished regardless of how many times a week you're putting pen to paper.
The method we have started to using is one we found from the YouTube Star Nathaniel Drew. We have found that this his method is a more realistic example of a journaling process, as it only requires you to really delve into your thoughts once a week, and then a large summary at the end of the year. We have found that journaling at the end of the day has been the most beneficial to us, as it means you can reflect fully on the day you just had.
Buy a Lovely Journal
Journals are an investment. Cheap ones can be bought in any local stationary store or supermarket such as Dunnes or Tescos, however if this is going to be something you are writing in almost everyday, you want to make sure you enjoy opening it up every night or morning. Here are a few sites selling Journals that might even get you excited about putting pen to paper in!